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静 jing

Home Pinyin jing

安安静静 ān ānjìng jìng quietly

安静 ānjìng be quiet; quiet; quieter

沉静 chénjìng quiet

动静 dòng jìng movement

寂静 jìjìng quietness; silence; stillness

静电 jìngdiàn electrostatic; static electricity; xerography

静静 jìng jìng quiet

静脉 jìngmài intravenous; intravenously; vein; venous

静谧 jìngmì quiet

静默 jìngmò incommunicable; silent

静悄悄 jìng qiāoqiāo quietly

静水 jìngshuǐ hydrostatic

静态 jìngtài quiescent; statically

静心 jìngxīn meditation

静音 jìngyīn muted

静载 jìngzài statical

静止 jìngzhǐ quiescence; static; still; stilled

静坐 jìngzuò sit down; trances

冷静 lěngjìng calm; calmness; coolly; dispassionate

梁静茹 liángjìngrú liang jingru

宁静 níngjìng peaceful; restful; serenity; tranquil

僻静 pìjìng secluded

平静 píngjìng calm; calmer; calming; calms; quieted; tranquilly; uneventful

清静 qīngjìng quiet

恬静 tiánjìng quiet

文静 wénjìng gentle and quiet

心静 xīnjìng quiet

夜深人静 yèshēnrénjìng late at night

镇静 zhènjìng calm; composedly; composure; imperturbable; level-headed; poise; sedation

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce